Sandbox Update


The project going steadily forward with new features and tweaks. With that, the sandbox also updated with the implemented features as well.

Quick reminder that this project is to learn about ECS game engine by remaking Hannah and the Pirates Caves from Neopets.

Gameplay Features:

- Spikes, and Player Collision: the player can actually die now!

- Chest and Level End: there is sort of an objective now: Collecting treasure chests!

- Swimming, Flooding, and air meter: don't stay underwater for too long.

- Camera Update: Now the camera doesn't always center on the player!

- SFX and VFX: there is particle effects and sound effects!

- Jumping buffer and coyote time: now you don't have to be as precise!

Additional controls for the sandbox:

- Grid toggling

- Set respawn point

So... what's next? Since pretty much all the game mechanics are in, the next things to implement will be more graphical and game design-y. There are some ideas:

- Static tile graphics

- Update player character sprites (and many sprites)

- Have some semblance of artistic cohesion

- Actually create levels

Who knows? Anyways, enjoy the sandbox! I'll see you when I see you.

Files 436 kB
Nov 24, 2023

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