Initial Release - A Learning Project


This project started as a learning project about ECS architecture and general game engine principles. The goal is to make a game similar to Hannah and the Pirate Caves from Neopets. The game will be completely free and open source, if it ever reaches that stage.

The project itself is nowhere near completion. However, the core mechanics is almost there. During development, this sandbox has been used as a test environment for implementing game mechanics. I thought it was pretty neat, thus I have decided to release this sandbox. This release also served to test a web build using Emscripten.

This project is mainly written with Raylib in C, while the graphics are made in Aseprite. The sandbox will be updated as the game mechanics get more fleshed out, however the update frequency will not be high since I am working this in my limited free time.

You can check out the 6 months progression over here,  although fairly outdated:

Anyways, enjoy the sandbox!

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